Abstracts Frequently Asked Questions
ALC 2025 Symposium, 21-23 May 2025, Amsterdam
What is an abstract? An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly explains, in a non-repetitive style, the essential information of a study. The abstract presents the purpose, methods, results and conclusions.
How many abstracts can I submit? It is possible to submit more than 1 abstract, however only one abstract per presenting author can be included as an oral in the program.
Can I submit an abstract by email? Yes, please do submit your abstract as email attachment.
How much does it cost to submit an abstract to the event? Abstract submission to the symposium is free of charge. All accepted presenters must register for the meeting before the early-bird deadline. Presenters not registered by this date will not be included in the scientific program.
Who reviews the abstracts? Each valid submitted abstract will be reviewed several members of the ALC2025 Program Committee. The final selection will be made by the ALC2025 Program Committee end of March 2025 and notification to presenting author thereafter.
How will your abstract be assessed? The following criteria will be used when assessing the abstract:
Does the abstract address a relevant problem related to leukodystrophies
Is the methodology adequate and acceptable?
Have the data/findings been interpreted appropriately?
Are the results clearly presented?
Are the conclusions supported by the presented data?
Are the contents of the abstract clear and intelligible?
The Programme Committee is required to identify abstracts pertaining to commercial promotion of a proprietary product.
What language can I use in the abstract? All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English with accurate grammar and spelling suitable for publication.
How many words should my abstract contain? There is a maximum of 300 words for abstracts. The word limit does not include the title, the authors and references.
I have submitted my abstract, but I need to make a correction in thecontent/title/authors list. What can I do? In order to correct your abstract please contact ALC2025@amsterdamumc.nl.
When will I receive the abstract acceptance notification? The abstract results will be sent by email to each abstract submitter end of March 2025.
Can I change the assigned Presenter? The submitter will be asked to assign the presenter at submission. If the presenter needs to be changed afterwards, please send an email to ALC2025@amsterdamumc.nl as soon as possible. In all cases, the presenter must be part of the submitted authors list and be able to present and discuss all aspects of the research.
I need to withdraw my abstract. How should I proceed? The abstract submitter needs to send an email to ALC2025@amsterdamumc.nl with the abstract number, asking for withdrawal.
Can I choose the format of my abstract presentation? Abstracts will be selected for oral presentations. The format and scheduling of presentations cannot be changed.
Who is my audience? All symposium participants, abstracts are scheduled between full lectures.